A Summer Party Is the Way

Seared Alaskan halibut with sweet onion soubise, fresh corn polenta and peeled tomatoes and favas.

A summer party is a real party. If you’re not having a good time…you’re at a lame party. Is it your fault? Maybe, but probably not. Everyone has a recipe for a good party. I appreciate- great food, music and drinks. Add on some cool people and a tidy place, light some candles if the sun is down and good times are afoot. One thing I have found to be true over the years doing dinner parties everywhere in the county. A summer party on the direct beach coastline, like Mission Beach, parts of PB and La Jolla. The hour before sunset is absolutely intoxicating, equaled only by grand mountain views.

Although my food is always moisture rich, I have been efforting sauces lately for photography’s sake. While I’m efforting sauce for pictures, what do I do? A brown sauce, with no shiny counterpoint Oi vey. Oh well, I’ll keep working on it and will get a new camera soon :-)

Prime tri-tip with avocado mashed potatoes, smokey babaganoush, grilled carrots and parsley roasted broccolini

Summer parties are different. The weather usually allows a freedom and carefree feeling other seasons can’t quite attain. Being outside or having the doors and windows open feels right. It feels how things are naturally supposed to feel. Of course seasonal change in general is always cool, but summer parties get pools, beaches, sun and swimsuits. Add some righteous food and drinks…some great people and memories will be made.