The Most American Food In The World

As American as apple pie is a phrase that needs some tweaking. As good as apple pie is, it doesn’t seem very American. A truly American food can’t be German/Belgian in origin. It also needs to have stood the test of time in the American kitchen. Meaning, not many people are baking apple pie anymore.

But there is a confection whose popularity has stayed consistent, loved and quizzically un-celebrated. It has quietly usurped all food stuffs to become Americas most iconic snack treat. The humble…yet always enjoyed…Banana Bread. More of a cake then a bread, even the title is American as we ignore dictatorial definitions to call it what we damn well please. Regardless of texture, it’s never called banana cake. Sure, quick breads are a real thing, I get it. But if you line up 10 banana ‘breads” and ask 10 kids if it’s cake or bread. it’ll be a landslide.

There is not a more common confection made in the American kitchen

Banana bread is a recipe every family has, and every family thinks theirs is best. Not only does every family make it…but everyone likes it. When was the last time you made banana bread and had to throw some away? Also, in more support of it’s unique Americanism are bananas themselves. A truly American food because we genetically changed to meet our specifications for shipping and consumption. We then set up South American plantations to grow them, just to import back home. Then we flooded the country with ’em so they were everywhere and inexpensive. At some point, most families have bananas going bad on the counter. Thus, the revolving door of browned over bananas being thrown into butter, sugar, flour, leavening and whatever else your crazy family puts in THEIR recipe.

So this July 4th, if what to bring to the BBQ is a question…check your freezer. Maybe there’s a Ziploc of old forgotten bananas Waiting to be resurrected into the American glory they were destined to be.