Turn Off Your Mind…

...relax, and float downstream. That lyric induces a dreamy feeling. However, instead of “turn off your mind.” I always appreciated the line I heard from another artist that said, “turn on your mind.” Seems more present.

laurel ice cream
Laurel Ice Cream/Macadamia Shortbread/Berries
Peeled and Dressed Baby Tomatoes/Fresh Ricotta/Pickled Yellow Cucumber

A romantic dinner for two recently in Rancho Santa Fe was just lovely.  It was a staycation at home, for two people smart enough to actually set the weekend aside for themselves.  Taking some time to just relax at home, enjoy their home, and enjoy each other. Doesn’t that sound nice…I love marriage.  I’m always elated to cook for people that recognize the need to slow down and enjoy each other. Not that I’m that good at making time away from the rigmarole off life But I appreciate it when it’s done.

After the hors d’oeuvres and the first course, I can always feel the energy mellow down into satisfaction and relaxation. A result of good food and a situation handled. A contented vibe melts through the air while they sit back and enjoy what gastronomic surprise comes next. Maybe the key to the magic is to turn off your mind and turn on a different part?