Masked Up and Ready

I am currently entertaining small groups of wonderful people eating memorable food. Being masked up during parties is no fun, but it beats not being at the party.

Moving forward, we will continue to be healthy, vigilant and kind. We will keep some of our protocols as business returns to whatever the new normal is. A masked up June is looking great for me as I hope it is for you. Remember; the world is churning right now, but sometimes agitation gives you something magical…like butter. Below is a quick snap from an anniversary dinner for two awesome parents.

Big Eye tuna with caramelized cauliflower, chile and corn with soy dipping sauce and fresh turmeric oil

This dinner was fun because the kids were really interested in the process, and presented themselves as my sidekicks or sous chefs. The parents appreciated my willingness to entertain them and still present a lovely experience. Surprising the palate and the brain are my goals for any dinner. Masked up or not, I’m there to help with, and hopefully provide some memories worth hanging onto. Anywhere in the greater San Diego county area is free game for travel. Treating yourself to this experience is a welcome feeling of normalcy because you are enjoying the family, at home, safe and sound.