
Cock-a-doodle no more. As last year wrapped up, I had the chance (with help and guidance from a friend,) to slaughter and butcher my own chickens.  Well almost, they weren’t chickens, they were roosters.

I plan on not using factory farmed meat for home and work this year.  We’ll set up a freezer to fill with locally raised meat in an effort to continue our own  protest of our countries food structure.  Without the time or inclination to spend my mental and physical energy toward protests and politics.  Putting my money where my mouth is is all I can do. Getting us back to basics in terms of food production is empirical for our happiness as a people and planet.  Until Organic is the norm and not the exception, there is work to be done.

Found out what a craw is and does. It’s a pre-stomach digester.
Poultry have a scent gland on the end of the tail that is always removed.
Rooster testicles are located up in the middle of the body; and taste delicious…just kidding.
Poultry skin lets go of the feathers in specifically 150 degree water.
Roosters are built tough. Everything on them is strong and tough.
Hanging them upside down settles the bird.
They have reptilian feet.

They have no idea