Night Out In North County

A night out in Escondido did not disappoint. Busy parents making time to enjoy nice things is always a good idea.

I’ve always enjoyed talking to people at my cooking classes. Last year someone recommended Bellamy’s in Escondido. She also wanted me to try a strawberry cream cake that I have yet to do. Which reminds me of a poke cake I needed to try as well :-/ Aaaaanyway; she happened to write it down and it made its way under a fridge magnet. My wife ended up gifting me a gift certificate there for Christmas and we just now used it :-)

Lovely restaurant.  Offers all the standards I’d expect to keep the locals coming in with a smattering of interest and ingredient change out to keep it chic. Highlights were the beet ice cream, cod skin and oysters, (not one dish). I personally enjoyed the escargot (pictured above), because I hadn’t had it in years. The biggest highlight might have been the “soil” dessert, which was playful and appropriate.
Definitely worth a try, and absolutely somewhere to go if you live in the area. Or, even if you’re 45 minutes away like me. 45 minutes is a big drive for me.