Halloween Kid Treats

Halloween kid treats for a cooking class was a hoot. I was able to bring my older son and his friend to a very involved cooking class. 15 little groms is a lot of action, especially with this many items to cook.


Oooooooo, I’m gettin’ pumped.  This is a Halloween house.  Not only do we love the night of, but we also have a fun time with it all month.  My neighbor and I spend the entire day decorating. Which is tiring, but totally worth it and mostly fun.  Not only do the kids eyes light up once we’re done, but so do the adults.  Recently I did a cooking class for Halloween kid treats. Turned out adorable and a good time was had by all.  FYI…kids classes are exponentially harder than adult classes.  About 45 minutes into class when the sugar kicks in…oh man, look out Sally. Luckily my two kids were a great example to all and stayed on task. Teaching a cooking class as just a demo is much easier than a hands-on situation. 

We Made:
Green slime
Green slime coated popcorn
Banana ghosts
Cutie pumpkins
Halloween Oreo Stuffed chocolate cupcakes
Caramel apples
Witches’ fingers                                                                                                                                                    Zombie Twice baked potato mummies


Now, you might be thinking, “Josh, you’re so creative, I love your wonderful Halloween kid treat ideas. I wish I was that creative.” To that I say, worry not mon frere. For I harnessed the incredible powers of the all mighty google to help me in my search for fun and tasty Halloween treats.