One Crazy Summer

This crazy summer was jam packed with work and fun.  No surprise there, since I haven’t posted anything since June :-|  But man…if I wasn’t working, I, was, runnin’!  Mostly for fun though.

produceMy kids are coming of age to free up family adventurism; and boy did we get after it this crazy summer.  With all the go, go, go; I was feeling a bit flat creatively, so I gave myself a switch up.  Rolled over to Iowa Meats and rummaged through the freezer section that’s stocked with rare and interesting meats.  Came away with some lamb loin (not that rare, I know), along with some Elk and frog legs.  This summer had a lot of firsts, so, I thought it fitting to get after the frog legs.  Only cooked ’em once about 15 years ago.  Next time will be much sooner as they are quite yummy. If you’ve never had the pleasure, it’s mostly a tender, skinless chicken wing. With just a hint of pond or lake, but not enough to be off putting.

Some of these pictures are from a different party, but I’m sure you don’t mind. Pics is pics, amiright? Look at Instagram, or rather I should say, can you stop looking at Instagram? No is the answer.